Wellbeing Academy

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Runner's Yoga or Crotalus oreganus helleri

Oh, how I miss those exquisite runnable trails at Torrey Pines, north of La Jolla! Beautiful State Preserve of the rare Torrey pine, miles of unspoiled beaches, and a lagoon that is vital to migrating seabirds. It was like a paradise for me. The hiking trails are with stunning views and I loved to run on the beach. One can also continue north along the beach to Solana Beach and Del Mar.

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve remains one of the wildest stretches of land on our Southern California coast! It all still as it was before San Diego was developed. One can imagine what California must have looked like to the early settlers, or to the Spanish explorers, or even to the first California residents here, the Kumeyaay people.

Once the ranger approached me when I went for a hike and collected millions of shells. I have just arrived in California and while walking along the ocean, I approached the park from the beach and really didn’t know anything about the rules of not being allowed to touch and pick up shells. In Croatia everyone does it.

I emptied my pockets and apologised, first feeling sorry for myself for not being able to take it all with me, but then for the ranger who after me, had to explain the same thing to everyone on the beach.

Nevertheless, soon I developed a new hobby - running. With the scenery, the breeze, amazing coaches available at UCSD, I was truly in heaven. Except for those times when I would run into, facing or jumping over the Southern Pacific Rattlesnake (CROTALUS OREGANUS HELLERI). The time I heard the warning sound: the rattle I was usually kilometres away from it. I have never ever been faster in my whole life. Contrary to the common sense and instructions of the San Diego Couty advice to stop and wait until the snake leaves the area, I would run as fast as possible.

I am so fortunate to be alive. Do you know that rattlesnakes are born with tiny buttons at the end of their tails? Each time they shed their skin, a scale remains behind which, in time, becomes the infamous rattle.

Meanwhile, I became really good at running. There was a huge Olympic pool on campus where I would end up every time after the run and in the evening visit one of the yoga classes by Arturo Galvez.

Those were the times. My thighs were tighter, my cheekbones higher, my skin was absorbing sun 11 months a year. Even on Christmas, I would sit in a bikini on our balcony, having breakfast.

Now, I am back in Croatia and teach yoga regularly and only planning to go back to running. We have snakes here too. I always encounter them in summer and in the winter it is too cold to run.

I miss the sunshine, but not the rattlesnakes. For the beginners in the world of running and inspired by one of my private students Vicky, I created three short YouTube videos.

Here the link:
