A message from Carol Clements


“In addition to studying yoga for 30 years and teaching for 25 years in a wide variety of settings, Aleksandra has also performed this work in a number of different countries. She is able to tune her teaching appropriately, delivering a person-centered approach rather than a technique-centered session.”


“In her friendly, down to earth style, no one feels intimidated or unfit. She effortlessly guides her students to discover their own bodies' needs and how yoga can help them.”


“Creating this welcoming atmosphere, she has given more than 50 specialized workshops on back-care, anxiety, addiction, insomnia, digestion, and rejuvenation.

I'm impressed with her ability to let go of predictable expectations and adapt yoga for optimal benefit--physical and mental--to unique groups and individuals. At the same time, she is passionate about preserving the genuine goals of yoga: to train the body and mind to self-observe and become aware one's own nature.”


Carol Clements is a Bone Health Ambassador with The National Osteoporosis Foundation and gives workshops and talks in the field of healthful physicality. She has more than forty-five years of experience as a personal trainer and teacher of yoga and works privately with clients in New York City. She recently wrote a book that became a Best seller: Better Balance for Life.